Facebook Privacy Case Settlement: Deadline Looms for US Users to Apply
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Facebook Privacy Case Settlement: Deadline Looms for US Users to Apply

Deadline Approaching: Secure Your Portion of $725 Million Privacy Settlement as Meta Reaches Out to US Facebook Users

Time is running out for Facebook users across the United States to seize their share of a substantial $725 million privacy settlement, an agreement reached by Meta, the parent company of Facebook, in the latter part of the preceding year.

The genesis of this settlement traces back to 2018 when legal actions were initiated in the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. This British consulting firm had become embroiled in Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the subsequent revelation of unauthorized access to the personal data of nearly 87 million Facebook users, primarily concentrated in the US.

The settlement encompasses almost all US-based Facebook users who held an account between the timeframe of May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. An interesting detail is that eligibility extends even to those who have since deleted their Facebook accounts.

To ensure your claim is registered, the online submission must be completed before the Friday deadline at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. If opting for a traditional mail-in submission, it’s imperative that the postmark on your letter is dated no later than Friday to be considered valid.

The procedure to claim a share of the settlement is straightforward. If you’re a Facebook user who falls within the specified timeframe (May 24, 2007, to Dec. 22, 2022), visit facebookuserprivacysettlement.com to submit your application.

It’s important to note that approval of your claim by the settlement administrator will relinquish your right to individually sue the Defendant in a separate legal action pertaining to the matters resolved by this settlement.

The intriguing aspect of this settlement is the monetary compensation, the exact quantum of which is yet to be ascertained. The final amount depends on the number of users who put forth their claims; a larger volume of claims could result in a lower payout per individual.

As per the settlement’s official website, the culmination is expected to occur with a final hearing scheduled for September 7. Subsequent to this, the distribution of the settlement payments will promptly commence.